Understanding Asperger's (Shown at
DARN meeting & SWOSPA inservice /conference): This video was produced by Larry Welkowitz and Linda Baker at Keene
State College / Keene, NH. Their Phone number is (603) 352 - 1909 ask for the Psychology Dept.
Asperger Syndrome - A Guide for Parents & Professionals
by Tony Attwood
Asperger Syndrome Diagnosis & Support by Tony Attwood
How Difficult Can This Be? by ? /
Last One Picked, First One Picked On by ? / PBS - WETA
Look What You've Done! by ? /
Visual Thinking of a Person with Autism by Dr. Temple Grandin
When the Chips Are Down
- Opportunity for Growth by Dr. Temple Grandin
Pragmatic Language: Training for Parents, Teachers, and Professionals
by by Sue Diamond, MA CCC
Medication - Fact or Fiction by Dr. Temple Grandin
Autism Awareness Video for Law
Enforcement/Community Service Personnel by Dennis Debbaudt
Making Sense of Sensory Integration by Dr. Jane Koomar &
Stacey Szklut (Video)
Sensory Challenges & Answers by Dr. Temple Grandin (Video)
Social Stories &
Comic Strip Conversations: Unique Method to Improve Social Understanding by Carol Gray
Writing social Stories with
Carol Gray
Tourette Syndrome - Be My Friend (for children - 10 min.) (Available at MV- SERRC)
Stop It!
I Can't (Elem. Children - 13 min.) (Available at MV - SERRC)
I'm a Person Too! (Young Adults - 21 min.)
(Available at MV - SERRC)
A Regular Kid That's Me (45 min.) (Available at MV - SERRC)