How to “join”
the DARN Message Board group:
* If you already have a Yahoo
email account, you can skip Steps 1 and 2 and go straight to Step 3.
Step 1: Sign
up for a free Yahoo email account by going to
Step 2: You will receive an email from Yahoo to activate your account.
Step 3: Once
you have activated your account, request an invitation from the DARN message board owner at
See below for the
information to include in your request.
Step 4: The MB owner will issue
a welcome invitation from within the the message board. Note: Yahoo only gives you 7 days to respond. If you
do not accept your invitation within 7 days, contact the MB owner again to request another invitation.
5: Once you respond to the welcome message, you will have to set up your Message Board account
(ie.your ID, password, how you want email
delivered to you such as individual email messages, a daily digest of messages, special notices only, or view messages only
on the message board).
* You can use your regular email account once you have a Yahoo account set up. If
confidentiality is important to you, use your Yahoo email identity and email account to interact with the message board to
protect your identity.
Please include the following
information when requesting an invitation to join the MB
For Family Members: Your first & last name: Street address: Telephone
number: Current email address: Gender of person with ASD: Year of birth of person with ASD:
For Service Providers & Professional Members Only: Your
first & last name: Job title: Business street address: Work telephone number: Current business email address: A
brief statement indicating why you are interested in participating on DARN’s message board: A pledge to use the message
board to support families not spy on families in your district (I don’t mean to be offensive, but several families have
had their DARN emails handed to them during IEP meetings and asked “Is this you?”):