ADHD Attenion Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder -
A Practice Guide for Teachers by Paul Cooper & Katherine Ideus; 1-85346-431-7
ADHD Handbook - A Guide for Parents
& Professionalsby Alison Mundel & Jon Arcelus; 1-85302-756-1
Attention Deficit Disorder and Learning Disabilities:
Realities, Myths and Controversial Treatments by Barbara D. Ingersoll and Sam Goldstein; 0-38546-931-4
Art Making
Sense of Art: Sensory - Based Art Activities for Children with Autism, Asperger Syndrome & other Pervasive Developmental
Disorders by Sandra R. Davalos; 0-96725-144-3
Reaching the Child with Autism through Art by Toni Flowers
Resources Autism Resources by John Wobus
Autobiographies An Autistic Elf by Amanda Baggs
Huh? A child's Perspective by Rosia Schmurr, Ph.D.
Discovering My Autism - With Apologies to Cardinal Newman by Edgar
Schneider; 1-85302-724-3
Eating the Artichoke - A Mother's Perspective on Asperger's Syndrome by Echo R. Fling; 1-85302-724-3
Special By Oeter Vereulen
Just This Side of Normal - Glimpses Into Life with Autism by Elizabeth King Gerlach; 0-9637578-4-9
Wrong Planet! Syndrome by Janet Norman-Bain
Pretending to be Normal - Living with Asperger Syndrome by Dr. Laine Holliday
Willey; 1-85302-749-9
Soon Will Come the Light - A Veiw from Inside the Autism Puzzle by Thomas A. McKean
Behind Glass: A Personal account of Autism Spectrum Disorder by Wendy Lawson; 1-875-85531-9
Through the Eyes of Aliens
- A Book about Autistic Peopleby Jasmine Lee O'Neil; 1-85302-387-6
Without Reason - A Family Copes with 2 Generations
of Autism by Charles Hart
Living Your Best Life with Asperger's Syndrome
- How a Young Boy and His Mother Deal with the Challenges & Joys of Being Eleven, Brilliant and Socially Absent, authored
by Karra Barber
Behavior A Parent's Introduction to Behavior
Modification by Jim Wilson
A Teasure Chest of Behavior Stategies - for Individuals with Autism by Dr. Beth Fouse &
Maria Wheeler
Activity Schedules for Children with Autism - Teaching Independent Behavior by Lynn E. McClannahan Ph.
D. & Patricia J. Krantz Ph. D.
Asperger Syndrome & Difficult Moments - Practical Solutions for Tantrums,
Rage & Melt Downs by Brenda Smith Myles & Jack Southwick 0-9672514-3-5 & 0-967251-400
Behavior Intervention
for Young Children with Autism by Catherine Maurice
Explosive Child : A New Approach for Understanding and Parenting
Easily Frustrated, 'Chronically Inflexible' Children by Ross W. Greene; 0-06017-534-6
Picture the Process - Drawings
of Positive Student Behavior for Behavior Cards, Discussion Cards & Rule Charts by Annanbeele Steet & Robert Cattoche
the Adolescent: New Strategies and Perspectives for Teaching Prosocial Skills (revised edition), Arnold P. Goldstein and Ellen
Skillstreaming in Early Childhood: Teaching Prosocial Skills to the Preschool and Kindergarten
Child by Ellen McGinnis & Arnold P. Goldstein; 8-87822-321-5
Skillstreaming the Elementary School Child: New Strategies
and Perspectives for Teaching Prosocial Skills, Ellen McGinnis & Arnold P. Goldstein; 0-87822-373-8
Solving Behavior
Problems in Autism - Improving Communication with Visual Strategies by Annanbeele Steet & Robert Cattoche
Strategies for Improving Communication: Practical Support for School and Home by Linda Hodgdon
Cartoons / Humor Ants
in His Pants by Michael Giangreco
Flying by the Seat of your Pants by Michael Giangreco
Laughing & Loving
with Autism - A Collection of Real Life Stories by Wayne Gilpin
More Laughing & Loving with Autism by Wayne Gilpin
Diagnostic Choldren
with Autism, 2nd Edition - Diagnosis & Intervention to Meet Their Needs by Colyn Trevarthen, Kenneth Aitken, Despina Papoudi
& Jacqueline Robarts; 1-85302-555-0
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual fourth revision (DSM - IV) of the of the
American Psychiatric Association
Pervasive Developmental Disorders - Finding a Diagnosis & Getting Help ; For parents
& patients with PDD - NOS & Atypical PDD
Diet / Nutrition Special Diets for Special Kids - Implemnting
a Diet to Improve the Lives of Children with Autism & Related Disorders by Dr. Lisa Lewis
What's for Dinner - Why
Dietary Intervention by Lisa Lewis
What's for Lunch by What's for Lunch by Lisa Lewis
Dyspraxia Developmental
Dyspraxia: A Practical Manual for Parents and Professionals Madeleine Portwood; 1-897585-21-7
Developmental Dyspraxia:
Identification and Intervention; A Manual for Parents and Professionals by Madeline Portwood; 1-85346-988-2
A Guide for Teachers and Parents by Kate Ripley, Bob Daines, and Jenny Barrett; 1-85346-444-9
Making Visual Supports
/ Autism & Asperger by ? / Autism Asperger Publishing Co
Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence:
Why It Can Matter More Than IQ by Daniel Goleman; 0-553-09503-X
Employment Asperger Employment Guide: A Workbook
for Individuals on the Autistic Spectrum, Their Families and Helping Professionals by Roger N. Meyer; 1-85302-796-0
Managment The Family Manager by Kathy Peel; 0-8499-3937- 2 (how to organize, manage, deligate &
say No)
General Asperger Syndrome by Ami Klin, Fred Volkmar and Sara Sparrow; 57230-534-7
Syndrome - A Guide for Parents & Professionals by Tony Attwood; 1-85302-577-1
Asperger Syndrome or Higher Fuctioning
Autism? by Eric Schopler, Gary B. Mesibov & Linda J. Kunce; 0-306-45746-6
Asperger's Disorder by Kaan R.
Autism and Asperger Syndrome by Uta Frith, Hans Asperger, Lorna Wing, Christopher Gillberg, Digby Tantam,
Margaret Dewey, Francesca G.E. Happe.;0-521-38608-X
Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders (Cambridge Monographs
in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry) by Fred R. Volkmar, MD; 0-52155-386-5
Autism: An Inside - Out Approach -An
Innovative Look at the Mechanics of OAutism & its Developmental Cousins by Dona Williams 1-85302-387-6
Spectrum: A Guide for Parents and Professionals by Lorna Wing; 0-094-7516-9
Biology of the Autistic Syndromes, 2nd
Ed; Christopher Gillberg & Mary Coleman; 0-521-43228-6
Children with Autism: A Parent's Guide by Michael D.
Powers, PsyD; 0-933149-16-6
Diagnosing Jefferson: Evidence of a Condition that Guided His Beleif, Behavior, and
Personal Associations
Extraordinary Kids by Cheri Fuller and Louise Tucker Jones; 1-56179-558-5
Facing Autism
by Lynn Hamilton; ISBN 1-57856-262-7
Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders by Donald J. Cohen and
Fred R. Volkmar, MD; 0-47153-242-8
Is This Your Child? by Doris Rapp M.D; 0-688-11907-7
I Am Special: a Method
to introduce Children, Adolescents and ypung Adults to their Autism Spectrum Disorder by Peter Vermeulen
Left Brain
- Right Brain: Perspectives from Cognitive Neuroscience by Sally P. Springer and Georg Deutsch; 0-7167-3111-8
Assessment of Children: A Treatment-Oriented Approach by Byron P. Rourke, John L. Fisk, and John D. Strang; 0-89862-676-5
- on - One: Working with Low - Functioning Children with Autism and other Developmental Delays by Marily Chassman
Syndromes by John J. Ratey, MD and Catherine Johnson, PhD; 0-679-43968-4
Special People, Special Ways by Maguire,
This is Asperger Syndrome by ? / Autism Asperger Publishing Co.
When You Worry About the Child You Love:
Emotional and Learning Problems in Children by Edward Hallowell; 0-684-80090-X
The World of the Autistic Child: Understanding
and Treating Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Bryna Siegel, PhD; 0-19-507667-1
Dr. Temple Grandin Emergence:
Labeled Autisc by Dr. Temple Grandin
Thinking In Pictures; And Other Reports from My Life with Autism by Dr. Temple
Grandin; 0-679-77289-8
Hyperlexia Hyperlexia Handbook: A Guide to Intervention Strategies and Resources by
Susan Martins Miller (ed.); 0-9659880-0-7
Reading Too Soon: How to Understand and Help the Hyperlexic Child by Susan
Martins Miller; 0-9637921-0-5
IEP / Law Avoiding Due Process - The Top 10 Things Every Parent Needs to Know
by Reed Martin
Creating a Win - Win IEP for students with Autism by Dr. Beth Fouse
Inclusive Programming for
Elementary Students with Autism by Sheila Wagner, MEd
Negotiating the Special Education Maze: A Guide for Parents and
Teachers by Winifred Anderson, Stephen Chitwood, and Deidre Hayden; 0-933149-30-1
Special Education Law in America
- The rights of the Student & the Responsibility of Those who Serve by Reed Martin
Fiction Captain
Little Rainman by Karen Simmons
The Legendary Blobshocker by Ryan Wilson
The Mystery of a Special
Kid by Josie Santomauro
Trevor Trevor
Dead of Night by Randy Wayne White - character who
has Asperger Syndrome is Dr. Jobe Applebee Solomon vs. Lord by Paul Levine - character who
has Asperger Syndrome is Bobby, nephew of main character Steve Solomon The Deep Blue Alibi by Paul Levine
- character who has Asperger Syndrome is Bobby, nephew of main character Steve Solomon
Language / Communication Communication Disorders
and Interventions in Low Incidence Pediatric Populations by Lisa Schoenbrodt, EdD and Romayne A. Smith; 1-565932-20-X
Exercise Forms for Teach Me Language by Dr. Sabrina Freeman & Lorelei Dake
Pragmatic Language Intervention: Interactive
Activities by Lynn S. Bliss, PhD; 0-930-59985-3
Teach Me Language: A Language Manual for Children With Autism, Asperger's
Syndrome & Related Developmental Disorders by Dr. Sabrina Freeman & Lorelei Dake; 0-9657565-0-5
Visual Strategies
for Improving Communication by Linda Hodgdon
Learning Disorders Diagnosing Learning Disorders: A Neuropsychological
Framework by Bruce F. Pennington; 0-89862-563-7
Helping Children Overcome Learning Difficulties by Jerome Rosner; 0-8027-7396-6
or 0-89862-563-7
It's Nobody's Fault by Harold S. Koplewicz; 0-8129-2473-8
Learning Disabilities and Psychosocial
Functioning: A Neuropsychological Perspective by Byron P. Rourke and Darren R. Fuerst; 0-89862-767-2
Learning Disabilities:
A Family Affair by Betty B. Osman; 0-446-35554-2
Learning To Learn by Carolyn Olivier and Rosemary F. Bowler; 0-684-80990-7
Learning Disabilities: The Syndrome and the Model by Byron P. Rourke; 0-89862-378-2
Misunderstood Child : Understanding
and Coping With Your Child's Learning Disabilities by Larry Silver
Source for Nonverbal Learning Disorders, (formerly
titled "I Shouldn't Have to Tell you! A Guide to Understanding Nonverbal Learning Disorders") by Sue Thompson, MA, CET
Shaped Pegs, Square Holes: Nonverbal Learning Disorders and the Growing Up Years, Kathy Allen
Students With Learning
Disabilities by Cecil D. Mercer; 0-13-477176-1
Syndrome of Nonverbal Learning Disabilities: Neurodevelopmental Manifestations
edited by Byron P. Rourke; 0-89862-155-0
Medicines & Vacinations Autism, Autoimmunity and Immunotherapy
a Commentary By Vijendra Singh, Ph.D.
Biological Treatments for Autism and PDD by William Shaw Ph.D; 0-9661238-0-8
Conventional Medicine: Alternative Medicine's Place in the World of Autism by Lewis Mehl - Madrona, MD, PhD.
and Autism: Coinicdence or Ccause and Effect by Lyn Redwood
Music Learning Through Music Vol. 1
(Pink, Purple, Yellow books each different) by Betsey King Brunk & Kathleen Coleman
Music Therapy: Another
Path to Learning & Communication for Children in the Autism Spectrum by Betsey King Brunk, MMT, MT - BC
Letter The Maap - quarterly newsletter by Maap Services, Inc.; P.O. Box 524; Crown Point, IN 46307; (219) 662 - 1311;
Fax: (219) 662 - 0638
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder From Thoughts to Obessions - Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
in Children & Adolescents by Per Hove Thomsen; 1-85302-721-9
Problem Solving Skills Raising A Thinking
Child by Myrna B. Shure, PhD with Theresa Foy DiGeronimo, MEd; 0-8050-2758-0
Research Itself Good Research
or Bad Research - Understanding the Basics by Janet Kern Ph.D.
Safety On the Safe Side; Teach Your Child
to Be Safe, Strong, and Street-Smart by Paula Statman; 0-06095-090-0
Avoiding Unfortunate Situations by Dennis Debbaudt
Sensory Dysfunction Sensory Integration and the Child by Jean
Ayres Ph.D; 0-87424-158-8
Unlocking the Mysteries of Sensory Dysfunction by Elizabeth Anderson & Pauline Emmons
Sibling Care You Are Special Too by Josie Santomauro
Sleep Sleep
Better - A Guide to Improving Sleep for Children with Special Needs by V. Mark Durand; 1-55766-315-7
Social Skills
Autism - P.D.D. - More Creative Ideas From age 8 to Early Adulthood by Janice Adams
Comic Strip Conversations by
Carol Gray; 1-885-47722-8
Developing Leisure Time Skills for Persons with Autism - A Practicle Approach for Home
School & Community by Phyllis Coyne, Colleen Nyberg & Mary Lou Vandenburg; 1-885477-56-2
Helping The Child
Who Doesn't Fit In by Stephen Nowicki, Jr., PhD, and Marshall P. Duke; 1-56145-025-1
No One to Play With: The Social
Side of Learning Disabilities by Betty B. Osman; 0-87879-687-8
New Social Stories... All New Stories - Teaching Social
Skills by Carol Gray; 1-885-47720-1
Original Social Stories Book - A Collection of Real Life Stories by Carol Gray
for Gold: Strategies for life by Josie Santomauro
Socially Speaking: A Pragmatic Social Skills Programme for Pupils
with Mild to Moderate Learning Disabilities by Alison Schroeder; 1-855-03252-X
Taming the Recess Jungle by Carol Gray;
Teaching Your Child the Language of Social Success by Marshall P. Duke, Ph.D., Stephen Nowicki, Jr.,
Ph.D. and Elisabeth A. Martin, MEd; 1-56145-126-6
What's Next? - Educating Students for Success in the Community
by Carol Gray
Teaching Strategies / Tools
Homeschooling the Child With Asperger Syndrome: Real Help
for Parents Anywhere and on Any Budget by Lisa Pyles
Home Educating our Autistic Spectrum Children: Paths are Made by Walking
by Terri Dowty and Kitt Cowlishaw
A Work In Progress - Behavior Strategies for Teaching & Improving
Behavior of Autistic Children by Ron Leaf & John McEachin, Editors; 0-9665266-0-0
Asperger Syndrome - A Practice
Guide for Teachers by Val Cumine, Julia Leach & Gill Stevenson; 1-85346-499-6
Asperger Syndrome: A Guide for Educators
and Parents by Brenda Smith Myles and Richard L. Simpson; 89079-727-7
Autism And Learning - A Guide to Good Practice
by Edit.: Stuart Powell & Rita Jordan; 1-85346-421-X
Point, Click & Learn by Dr. Camilla Hileman
Ohio Instructional Technologhy Association (SOITA)
Teaching For The Two-Sided Mind: A Guide To Right Brain/Left Brain
Education by Linda Verlee Williams, ; 0-671-62239-0
Teaching the Tiger - A Handbook for Individuals in the Education
of Students with Attention Deficit Disorder, Tourette Syndrome or Obsessive - Compulsive Disorder by Marilyn P. Dornbush,
Ph.D. and Sheryl K Pruitt, M.Ed.
What Does It Mean To Mean? By Catherine Faherty
What's Next? Educating
Students for Success in the Community by Carol Gray
Working Together for a Brighter Future: A Unique Approach for Educating
High- Functioning Autisic Students by Marilyb Hays
Toilet Traning Toilet Training for the Individuals with
Autism & related Disorders by Maria Wheeler
Stillman, William. Autism and the
God Connection: Redefining the Autistic Experience through Extraordinary Accounts of Spiritual Giftedness.
Apr. 2006. 272p. Sourcebooks, paper, $14.95 (1-4022-0649-6). 616.85.
It's So Much Work to Be Your Friend: Helping the Child with Learning Disabilities Find Social
Success by Richard Lavoie, Mel Levine, Michele Reiner, and Rob Reiner (Paperback -
Oct 3, 2006)
"Strange Son" by Portia Iverson and "Freaks, Geeks & Asperger Syndrome" by Luke Jackson
who is an 11 year old author
The Asperger Parent: How to Raise a Child with Asperger Syndrome and Maintain Your Sense of Humor, by Jeffery Cohen and
Lori Shery, Autism Asperger Publishing Co., 2002.
Social Skills Training for Children and Adolescents with Asperger
Syndrome and Social-Communications Problems, by Dr. Jed Baker, Autism Asperger Publishing Company, 2003.
Siblings of
Children with Autism: A Guide for Families, by Sandra Harris, Ph.D and Dr. Beth Glasberg, Ph.D, Woodbine House, 2003
Syndrome and Adolescence: Helping Preteens & Teens Get Ready for the Real World by Teresa Bolick, Ph.D. Fair Winds
Press, 2001
Asperger Syndrome and Young Children: Building Skills for the Real World by Teresa Bolick, Ph.D. Fair
Winds Press, 2004
Autism - Asperger's and Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond by Jerry Newport, Mary Newport, and Teresa
Bolick. Future Horizons, 2002.
Asperger's and Girls by Tony Attwood, Temple Grandin, Teresa Bolick, and Catherine
Faherty, Future Horizons, 2006.
The Social Skills Picture Book, by Dr. Jed Baker, Future Horizons, 2003
on the Autism Spectrum: A Parent’s Guide to the Cognitive, Social, Physical and Transition Needs of Teens With Autism
Spectrum Disorders, by Chantal Sicile-Kira, (foreword by Temple Grandin, PhD) Penguin Group, 2006
Spectrum Disorders: The Complete Guide to Understanding Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome,
Pervasive Developmental
Disorder, and other ASD’s, by Chantal Sicile-Kira,(foreword by Temple Grandin, PhD) Penguin Group, 2004
Your Best Life with Asperger's Syndrome, by Karra Barber, Lucky Duck - Paul Chapman Publishing, 2006
Asperger Syndrome, edited by Ami Klin, Fred Volkmar, and Sara S. Sparrow, The Guilford Press, 2000.
Guide to Asperger Syndrome, by Patricia Romanowski Bashe and Barbara L. Kirby, Crown Publishers, 2001.
Care, by Dr. Mel Levine, Educators Publishing Service, 1998.
One Mind at a Time, by Dr. Mel Levine, Simon & Schuster,
Developing Talents: Careers for Individuals with Asperger Syndrome and High-Functioning Autism, by Temple Grandin
and Kate Duffy, Autism Asperger Publishing Co. 2004
Negotiating the Special Education Maze: A Guide for Parents &
Teachers, by Winifred Anderson, Stephen Chitwood, Deidre Hayden, Woodbine House, 1997.
From Emotions to Advocacy,
by Pam and Pete Wright, Harbor House Press, 2003.
Wrightslaw: Special Education Law, by Peter and Pam Wright, Harbor
House Press, 2002.